Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bought Our First Seeds - EVER!!

So I just placed an order with for our first packets of seeds to be planted at the farm - ever! Why They come highly recommended and all of their seeds are GMO free. Don't get me started on the evils and foils of Monsonato, but my intent on our homestead of to be completely GMO free.

So, baring in mind that we're at the cold edge of zone 4 at almost 9000 feet in the Colorado Rockies, these are the seeds I ordered:

Blue Lupine Flower

Nantes Scarlet Carrots

Autumn Giant Leek

Boston Pickling Cucumbers

Yellow of Parma Onions

Purple Plum Radishes

Rocky Top Lettuce Mix

Amsterdam Prickly Seeded Spinach

Cour di Bue Cabbage

Basil - Genovese


German Chamomile

And I placed an order for a mini greenhouse. I'll keep it inside of the house in front of a shiny south-facing window to do all of my germination.

Once the seeds come I'll check all of the germination requirements and set up a planting schedule for myself. A great site for info on setting up a planting schedule is:,default,pg.html

To say that I'm excited about our future, and the love we're going to give our land, would be an understatement.

- Becky

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hello and welcome!

Minutes ago we placed an order with Murray McMurray's for 15 baby chicks. They're scheduled to arrive on April 21st. That leaves us three short months to get the coop built, ourselves educated and supplies bought as we embark on the next chapter of our homestead.